Press Release – PDG Announces New Employees

We are pleased to announce the following new employees:

20130531_125954_resizedDemetrus G. Dillard has joined the firm as Director of Marketing
Demetrus has over 15 years of experience in the marketing and sales field. His career encompasses a diversified listing of Retail, Office, Warehouse, Distribution, Auto, Sporting and Event promoting.

Education:   Bachelors of Science in Marketing from Virginia Union University – Richmond, VA


432120_10151423739475754_414580390_nDiana R. Yates – Web Developer & IT Specialist
Diana began her career as an Administrative Computing Specialist at her Alma Mater in which she was a part of a team to implement a new ERP system. During this transition, she became the Portal / SharePoint Administrator where she helped create and design the college’s information site.

Education:   Bachelors of Science in Computer Information Services from Ferrum College – Ferrum, VA

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